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21. The ideas of particle physics: an introduction for scientists by Dood, James Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1986 . 202 páginas Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539.72 D6911 1986] (1),

22. The particle connection: the most exciting scientific chase since DNA and the double helix by Sutton, Christine Publication: New York Simon and Schuster 1984 . 169 páginas Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539.72 S9672 1984] (1),

23. Geometry, topology and physics by Nakahara, Mikio Publication: London Institute of Physics Publishing 1995 . 505 páginas Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 N1632 1995] (1),

24. Grundzüge der mechanik: lehren von Newton, Einstein, Schrödinger by Von Krbek, Franz Publication: Leipzig Akademische verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig 1954 . 184 páginas Date: 1954 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 V947 1954] (1),

25. Quantum groups and their representations by Klimyk, Anatoli Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1997 . 552 páginas Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 K653 1997] (1),

26. Theoretical physics: applications of vector, matrices, tensors and quaternions by Kyrala, A Publication: Philadelphia W. B. Saunders 1967 . 359 páginas Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 K997 1967 ] (1),

27. Theoretische physik: eine einführung by Hund, Friedrich Publication: Stuttgart B. G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft 1956 . 3 volumenes Date: 1956 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 H933 1956 V.1] (1), Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 H933 1956 V.2] (1), Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 H933 1956 V.3] (1),

28. Particle physics in the cosmos: readings from Scientific American Magazine by Carrigan, Richard Publication: New York W. H. Freeman and company 1989 . 228 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

29. Atomic and nuclear physics by Livesey, Derek L. Publication: Waltham Blaisdell Publishing 1966 . 529 páginas Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539 L7853 1966] (1),

30. Atoms and molecules: student edition by Weissbluth, Mitchel Publication: San Diego Academic Press 1978 . 713 páginas Date: 1978 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539 W4328 1978] (1),

31. Concepts of modern physics by Beiser, Arthur Publication: New York McGraw-Hill 1973 . 467 páginas Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539 B4231 1973] (1),

32. Introduction to modern optics by Fowles, Grant Publication: New York Dover Publications 1975 . 328 páginas Date: 1975 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [535.2 F789 1975] (1),

33. Basic theories of physics: mechanics and electrodynamics by Bergmann, Peter Publication: New York Dover Publications 1962 . 280 páginas Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 B4993 1962 ] (1),

34. Diagrammatica: the path to Feynman rules by Veltman, Martinus Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1994 . 284 páginas Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 V445 1994] (1),

35. Discovering the natural laws: the experimental basis of physics by Rothman, Milton Publication: New York Dover Publications 1989 . 242 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 R8467 1989] (1),

36. Einführung in die theoretische physik by Schaefer, Clemens Publication: Berlin Walter De Gruyter 1958 . 660 páginas Date: 1958 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.2 S2941 1958] (1),

37. From falling bodies to radio waves: classical physicist and their discoveries by Segré, Emilio Publication: New York W. H. Freeman and Company 1984 . 298 páginas Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.09 S455 1984] (1),

38. From X- rays to quarks: modern physicists and their discoveries by Segrè, Emilio Publication: New York W. H. Freeman and company 1980 . 339 páginas Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.09 S455 1980] (1),

39. Fundamentals of optics and modern physics by Young, Hugh Publication: New York McGraw-Hill 1968 . 510 páginas Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 Y681 1968] (1),

40. Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world by Pais, Abraham Publication: Oxford Clarendon Press 1986 . 666 páginas Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 P149 1986] (1),