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1. Particle physics in the cosmos: readings from Scientific American Magazine by Carrigan, Richard Publication: New York W. H. Freeman and company 1989 . 228 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

2. Nuclear physics by Shirokov, Yuriĭ Publication: Moscow Mir Publishers 1982 . 445 páginas Date: 1982 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539.7 S5584 1982] (1),

3. The atomic nucleus by Korsunsky, Moisei Publication: New York Dover Publications 1963 . 413 páginas Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539.7 K849 1963] (1),

4. Optics, waves, atoms and nuclei: an introduction by Goldwasser, Edwin Publication: New York W. A. Benjamin 1965 . 265 páginas Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 G6249 1965] (1),

5. Angular momentum in quantum mechanics by Edmonds, Alan Publication: New Jersey Princeton University Press 1974 . 146 páginas Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.1 E2413 1974] (1),

6. Gauge theories in particle physics: a practical introduction by Aitchison, Ian Publication: Bristol Adam Hilger 1989 . 571 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [539.721 A3111 1989] (1),

7. High energy astrophysics by Longair, Malcolm Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1992 . 418 páginas Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [523.0197 L8499 1992] (1),

8. The tenth dimension: an informal history of high energy physics by Bernstein, Jeremy Publication: New York McGraw Hill 1989 . 164 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

9. An introduction to the standar model of particle physics by Cottingham, William Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1998 . 235 páginas Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

10. Nuclear physics by Fermi, Enrico Publication: Chicago The University of Chicago Press 1950 . 248 páginas , A course given by Enrico Fermi at The University of Chicago Notes compiled by Jay Orear, A. H. Rosenfeld, and R.A. Schluter Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

11. Weak interactions and higher symmetries: proceeding of the III Internationale Hochschulwochen für kernphysik 1964 der Karl- Franzens- Universität Graz, at Schladming (Steiermark, Austria) 24 th february- 7th march 1964 by Urban, Paul Publication: Wien Springer Verlag 1964 . 255 páginas Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

12. Atomic and nuclear physics: an introduction by Littlefield, Thomas Publication: Berkshire Van Nostrand Reinhold 1979 . 487 páginas Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

13. Methods in subnuclear physics by Nikolić, Milan Publication: New York Science Publishers 1968 . 499 páginas Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

14. Sourcebook on atomic energy by Glasstone, Samuel Publication: New Jersey Van Nostrand Reinhold 1950 . 546 páginas Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

15. The new ambidextrous universe: symmetry and asymmetry from mirror reflections to superstrings by Gardner, Martin Publication: New York W. H. Freeman and Company 1990 . 392 páginas Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

16. Electroweak interactions: an introduction to the physics of quarks & leptons by Renton, Peter Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1990 . 596 páginas Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

17. Elementary particles: building blocks of matter by Fritzsch, Harald Publication: Singapore World Scientific 2005 . 111 páginas Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

18. La luz de sincrotrón: descubrir la estructura de la materia by Grinschpun, Sebastián. Publication: . 1 recurso en línea (162 páginas) , Contiene índice. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),

19. La teoría de casi todo: el modelo estándar, triunfo no reconocido de la Física moderna by Oerter, Robert. Publication: . 1 recurso en línea (326 páginas) : Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),

20. Quantum by Capetillo, Alicia. Publication: Madrid Equipo Sirius 2001 . 11-171 p. , Contiene glosario (p. 159-161 ). Acceso al e-book
Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),