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High energy astrophysics

By: Longair, Malcolm.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1992Edition: 2ª edición.Description: 418 páginas.ISBN: 9780521387736.Subject(s): Astrofísica | Física molecular, atómica, nuclear | Física nuclear | Luz | PartículasDDC classification: 523.0197 Summary: Volume 1 Particles, photons and their detection Volume 2 Stars, the galaxy and the interstellar medium
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 523.0197 L8499 1992 (Browse shelf) Available 02656

Volume 1 Particles, photons and their detection Volume 2 Stars, the galaxy and the interstellar medium

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