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The quark model

By: Kokkedee, Jacobus.
Contributor(s): Pines, David [Editor].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Frontiers in physics.Publisher: New York W. A. Benjamin 1969Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 239 páginas.Subject(s): Partículas subatómicasDDC classification: 539.721
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Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
539.721 G685 1986 V.2 Concepts of particle physics 539.721 G8551 1987 Introduction to elementary particles 539.721 H8931 1985 Elementary particles 539.721 K798 1960 The quark model 539.721 L4771 1981 Particle physics and introduction to field theory 539.721 L6992 1970 Unitary symmetry and elementary particles 539.721 L7444 1973 Particle- interaction physics at high energies