Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio,

Adiciones al corpus dramático español del siglo XVI: la Comedia de la invención de la sortija, partes I y II (Monforte de Lemos, 1594) - 1 online resource : illustrations. - Publicaciones del Departamento de Literatura Hispánica y Teoría de la Literatura. .

Play, published for the first time.

Includes bibliographical references.

The present book recovers from oblivion a pair of theatrical celebrations that the students of the Jesuit college of Monforte (Lugo) represented in 1594 before his protector and patron, Cardinal Don Rodrigo de Castro, who was related to the pre-eminent lineage of the counts we read. The texts are written for the most part in Spanish, but there are also voices with local flavor taken from Galician, nor the inclusion of a comic passage intermix of 52 verses composed entirely in that language, which supposes a substantial contribution to the panorama of the letters Galician in the sixteenth century.

9781512958171 1512958174

Spanish drama (Comedy)--Classical period, 1500-1700.
Galician drama (Comedy)--Classical period, 1500-1700.
Jesuit drama, Spanish.

Electronic books.
