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1. Partial differential equations with mathematica by Vvedensky, Dimitri Publication: Wokingham, England Addison Wesley 1993 . 465 páginas Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [515.353 V995 1993] (1),

2. A first course in quantum mechanics: revised edition by Clark, Hylton Publication: Berkshire Van Nostrand Reinhold 1983 . 368 páginas Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.12 C5921 1983] (1),

3. Special relativity by French, Anthony Publication: New York W. W. Norton & Company 1968 . 286 páginas Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

4. Atomic and nuclear physics: an introduction by Littlefield, Thomas Publication: Berkshire Van Nostrand Reinhold 1979 . 487 páginas Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),

5. Physics: the behavior of particles by Stehle, Philip Publication: New York Harper & Row 1971 . 434 páginas Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo (1),