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1. El ascenso del sector público: el crecimiento económico y el gesto social: del siglo XVIII al presente by Lindert, Peter H. Publication: . 1 recurso en línea (426 páginas) , Traducción de: Growing public : social spending and economic growth since the eighteenth century. | Contiene índice. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),
2. El ascenso del sector público: crecimiento económico y gasto social del siglo XVIII al presente by Lindert, Peter H., Publication: . 1 online resource. , This 2 volume set was published in two formats. Volumen 1, "La historia" published in paper and digital but vol. 2 "Evidencia adicional" was published only on compact disc by the publisher Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),
3. El ascenso del sector público: crecimiento económico y gasto social del siglo XVIII al presente by Lindert, Peter H., Publication: . 1 online resource. , This 2 volume set was published in two formats. Volumen 1, "La historia" published in paper and digital but vol. 2 "Evidencia adicional" was published only on compact disc by the publisher Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),