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Ecology of the southern conifers

By: Enright, Neal.
Contributor(s): Aravena, Juan | Armesto, Juan | Barker, P | Bond, W | Bowman, D | Burns, Bruce | Cortés, Marco | Cullen, P | Geldenhuys, C | Gibson, Neil | Glone, M | Harris, Stephen | Hedin, Lars | Hill, Robert | Jaffré, T | Kershaw, A | Kitzberger, Thomas | Lara, Antonio | Midgley, J | Ogden, John | Pérez, Cecilia | Shapcott, Alison | Smith-Ramírez, Cecilia | Stewart, Glenn | Veblen, Thomas | Villagrán, Carolina | Villalba, Ricardo.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Melbourne Melbourne University Press 1995Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 342 páginas.ISBN: 9780522845662.Subject(s): Coníferas: distribución geográfica | Ecología | Hemisferio Sur | Pinaceae (familia del pino)DDC classification: 585.2091814 Summary: 1.- The southern conifers: an introduction 2.- Conifer origin, evolution and diversification in the southern hemisphere 3.- The quaternary history of the southern conifers 4.- The ecology of southern african conifers 5.- Community dynamics of the New Zealand conifers 6.- The ecology of southern african conifers 7.- Conifer forest of the chilean coastal range 8.- Distribution and ecology of the conifers of New Caledonia 9.- Conifers of tropical Australasia 10.- Conifers of southern Australia 11.- Conifers of Australia's dry forests and open woodlands 12.- The southern conifers: a synthesis
List(s) this item appears in: Donación FORECOS y Antonio Lara
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección General 585.2091814 E595 1995 (Browse shelf) Available 02477

1.- The southern conifers: an introduction 2.- Conifer origin, evolution and diversification in the southern hemisphere 3.- The quaternary history of the southern conifers 4.- The ecology of southern african conifers 5.- Community dynamics of the New Zealand conifers 6.- The ecology of southern african conifers 7.- Conifer forest of the chilean coastal range 8.- Distribution and ecology of the conifers of New Caledonia 9.- Conifers of tropical Australasia 10.- Conifers of southern Australia 11.- Conifers of Australia's dry forests and open woodlands 12.- The southern conifers: a synthesis

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