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Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition

By: McClelland, James.
Contributor(s): Asanuma, Chisato | Crick, Francis | Elman, Jeffrey | Hinton, Geoffrey | Jordan, Michael | Kawamoto, Alan | Munro, Paul | Norman, Donald | Rabin, Daniel | Rumelhart, David | Sejnowski, Terrence | Smolensky, Paul | Stone, Gregory | Williams, Ronald | Zipser, David.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Computational models of cognition and perception.Publisher: Massachusetts The MIT Press 1989Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 611 páginas.ISBN: 0262181231.Subject(s): Cognición | Inteligencia artificial | Procesos mentales conscientes e inteligencia | Tratamiento de la información humanaDDC classification: 153 Summary: Volume 1: Foundations Volume 2: Psychological and biological models
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 153 M1266 1986 V.1 (Browse shelf) Available 02655
Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 153 M1266 1986 V.2 (Browse shelf) Available 03373

Volume 1: Foundations
Volume 2: Psychological and biological models

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