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Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg Microbiología Médica

Contributor(s): Riedel,Stefan [ed.] | Hobden, Jeffery A [ed.] | Miller, Steve [ed.] | Morse, Stephen A [ed.] | Mietzner, Timothy A [ed.] | Detrick, Barbara [ed.] | Mitchell, Thomas G [ed.] | Sakanari, Judy A [ed.] | Hotez, Peter [ed.] | Mejia, Rojelio [ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: McGraw-Hill's AccessMedicina: ; A Lange medical book: Publisher: New York, N.Y. McGraw-Hill Education LLC. c2020Edition: 28th ed.Description: 1 online resource : ill., figs., tables.Subject(s): Medical microbiology | Microbiología médicaDDC classification: 616.01 Online resources: Disponible en AccessMedicina Also issued in Online and PDF version.
SECCIÓN I: FUNDAMENTOS DE LA MICROBIOLOGÍA -- CAPÍTULO 1: La ciencia de la microbiología -- CAPÍTULO 2: Estructura celular -- CAPÍTULO 3: Clasificación de las bacterias -- CAPÍTULO 4: Desarrollo, supervivencia y muerte de los microorganismos -- CAPÍTULO 5: Cultivo de microorganismos -- CAPÍTULO 6: Metabolismo microbiano -- CAPÍTULO 7: Genética microbiana.
Subject: The twenty-eighth edition of Jawetz, Melnick, and Adelberg's Medical Microbiology remains true to the objectives of the first edition published in 1954, which is to "provide a brief, concise, and updated of those aspects of medical microbiology that are of particular significance for the field of clinical infections and chemotherapy ".
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"A Lange medical book."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

SECCIÓN I: FUNDAMENTOS DE LA MICROBIOLOGÍA -- CAPÍTULO 1: La ciencia de la microbiología -- CAPÍTULO 2: Estructura celular -- CAPÍTULO 3: Clasificación de las bacterias -- CAPÍTULO 4: Desarrollo, supervivencia y muerte de los microorganismos -- CAPÍTULO 5: Cultivo de microorganismos -- CAPÍTULO 6: Metabolismo microbiano -- CAPÍTULO 7: Genética microbiana.

The twenty-eighth edition of Jawetz, Melnick, and Adelberg's Medical Microbiology remains true to the objectives of the first edition published in 1954, which is to "provide a brief, concise, and updated of those aspects of medical microbiology that are of particular significance for the field of clinical infections and chemotherapy ".

Also issued in Online and PDF version.

Description based on cover image and table of contents, viewed on August 03, 2020.