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1. Katherine Anne Porter y la Revolución Mexicana: de la fascinación al desencanto by Jiménez Placer, Susana Ma. Publication: . 1 online resource (297 pages) , Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2003) under the title: Los relatos mexicanos en The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter : lenguaje, representación e identidad. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

2. Constructing the self: essays on Southern life-writing   Publication: . 1 online resource. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

3. Katherine Anne Porter y la Revolución Mexicana: de la fascinación al desencanto by Jiménez Placer, Susana Ma. Publication: . 1 online resource (297 pages) , Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2003) under the title: Los relatos mexicanos en The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter : lenguaje, representación e identidad. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

4. Constructing the self: essays on Southern life-writing   Publication: . 1 online resource. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),