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Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition

By: McClelland, James.
Contributor(s): Asanuma, Chisato | Crick, Francis | Elman, Jeffrey | Hinton, Geoffrey | Jordan, Michael | Kawamoto, Alan | Munro, Paul | Norman, Donald | Rabin, Daniel | Rumelhart, David | Sejnowski, Terrence | Smolensky, Paul | Stone, Gregory | Williams, Ronald | Zipser, David.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Computational models of cognition and perception.Publisher: Massachusetts The MIT Press 1989Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 611 páginas.ISBN: 0262181231.Subject(s): Cognición | Inteligencia artificial | Procesos mentales conscientes e inteligencia | Tratamiento de la información humanaDDC classification: 153 Summary: Volume 1: Foundations Volume 2: Psychological and biological models
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