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1. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad by López Cerezo, José Antonio. Publication: Madrid Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) 1998 . 41-68 p. Acceso al e-book
Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),

2. Consecuencias sociales del uso de Internet by Katz, James E., Publication: . 1 online resource (418 pages) , Translation of: Social consequences of internet use : access, involvement, and interaction. Cambridge, Mass. : The MIT Press, 2002. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

3. Consecuencias sociales del uso de Internet by Katz, James E., Publication: . 1 online resource (418 pages) , Translation of: Social consequences of internet use : access, involvement, and interaction. Cambridge, Mass. : The MIT Press, 2002. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),