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1. Conflictividad socioambiental y lucha por la tierra en Colombia: entre el posacuerdo y la globalización   Publication: . 1 recurso en línea (492 páginas) : , "Este libro resultado de investigación fue producido por el Grupo de Investigación Derecho y Política Ambiental, PODEA." -- Contraportada. | Incluye perfil académico de los editores académicos en la solapa del libro. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books e-libro (1),

2. Experts and campaigners: scientific information and collective action in socio-ecological conflicts   Publication: . 1 online resource (168 pages) , "The papers assembled in this volume should enable readers to understand what too many people today insistently misperceive. Environmental protection is not just a "special interest". It is an essential task for everyone. This book brings together texts by social scientists from the United States, France and Spain. Their common frame of reference is the dialectic between experts and activists in socio-environmental movements, as well as the concern about changes, both cognitive and political, arising in that context". | Collected essays Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

3. Experts and campaigners: scientific information and collective action in socio-ecological conflicts   Publication: . 1 online resource (168 pages) , "The papers assembled in this volume should enable readers to understand what too many people today insistently misperceive. Environmental protection is not just a "special interest". It is an essential task for everyone. This book brings together texts by social scientists from the United States, France and Spain. Their common frame of reference is the dialectic between experts and activists in socio-environmental movements, as well as the concern about changes, both cognitive and political, arising in that context". | Collected essays Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),