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Space almanac

By: Curtis, Anthony.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Houston Gulf Publishing Company 1992Edition: 2ª edición.Description: 746 páginas.ISBN: 9780884150398.Subject(s): Astronáutica | Cohetes (Aeronáutica) | Espacio exterior | Exploración del espacio exterior | Sistema solarDDC classification: 629.4 Summary: Chapter 1: Astronauts & cosmonauts Chapter 2: Space stations Chapter 3: Space shuttles Chapter 4: Space rockets Chapter 5: Space satellites Chapter 6: Solar system Chapter 7: Deep space Today in space history
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Thousands of facts, figures, names, dates and places that cover space from Earth to the edge of the Universe

Chapter 1: Astronauts & cosmonauts Chapter 2: Space stations Chapter 3: Space shuttles Chapter 4: Space rockets Chapter 5: Space satellites Chapter 6: Solar system Chapter 7: Deep space Today in space history

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