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61. Physical geography today: a portrait of a planet by Muller, Robert Publication: New York Random House 1984 . 591 páginas Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [910.02 M9582 1984] (1),

62. Geografía de Chile   Publication: Santiago de Chile Instituto Geográfico Militar 1983 , Contiene 1 mapa cada tomo Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [330.983 I5974 1983 V.3] (1), Biblioteca Lillo [330.983 I5974 1983 V.5] (1), Biblioteca Lillo [330.983 I5974 1983 V.8] (1),

63. Physical geography: a landscape appreciation by Mcknight, Tom Publication: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice- Hall 1987 . 539 páginas Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [551 M1595 1987] (1),

64. Modern physical geography by Strahler, Arthur Publication: New York John Wiley & Sons 1987 . 544 páginas Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [551 S8963 1987] (1),

65. The geometry of spacetime: an introduction to special and general relativity by Callahan, James Publication: New York Springer 2000 . 451 páginas Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.11 C1563 2000] (1),

66. The geometry of Minkowski spacetime: an introduction to the mathematics of the special theory of relativity by Naber, Gregory Publication: New York Springer Verlag 1992 . 257 páginas Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.11 N115 1992] (1),

67. Quantum Mechanics by Hecht, K. Publication: New York Springer 2000 . 760 páginas Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.12 H447 2000] (1),

68. Mechanics: from Newton's laws to deterministic chaos by Scheck, Florian Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1994 . 513 páginas Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [531 S314 1994] (1),

69. Quantum Mechanics by Schwabl, Franz Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1992 . 407 páginas Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.12 S3985 1992] (1),

70. Maxwell on the electromagnetic field: a guided study by Simpson, Thomas Publication: New Brunswick Rutgers University Press 1997 . 440 páginas Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.141 S6131 1997] (1),

71. An introduction to Hilbert space and quantum logic by Cohen, David Publication: New York Springer Verlag 1989 . 149 páginas Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [515.733 C6781 1989] (1),

72. The special theory of relativity: a mathematical exposition by Das, Anadijiban Publication: New York Springer Verlag 1993 . 214 páginas Date: 1993 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.11 D2291 1993] (1),

73. Lehrbuch der theorischen physik by Flügge, Siegfried Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1961 . 256 páginas Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 F619 1961] (1),

74. Local quantum physics: fields, particles, algebras by Haag, Rudolf Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1992 . 356 páginas Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.12 H1115 1992] (1),

75. Spinors in physics by Hladik, Jean Publication: New York Springer 1999 . 226 páginas Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15683 H6775 1999] (1),

76. General principles of quantum mechanics by Pauli, Wolfang Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1980 . 212 páginas Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.12 P327 1980] (1),

77. Algebraic foundations of non-conmmutative differential geometry and quantum groups by Pittner, Ludwig Publication: Berlin Springer 1996 . 469 páginas Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15255 P689 1996] (1),

78. Physik: ein lehrbuch zum gebrauch neben vorlesungen by Gerthsen, Christian Publication: Berlin Springer Verlag 1958 . 545 páginas Date: 1958 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530 G384 1958] (1),

79. Supermanifolds by Dewitt, Bryce Publication: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1987 . 316 páginas Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.15 D522 1987] (1),

80. Schwerkraft und weltall: grundlagen der theoretischen kosmologie by Jordan, Pascual Publication: Braunschweig Friedr Vieweg & Sohn 1955 . 277 páginas Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: Biblioteca Lillo [530.1 J821 1955] (1),