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201. La tierra de los abetos puntiagudos by Jewett, Sarah Orne, Publication: . 1 online resource (243 pages) , Translation of : The country of the pointed firs. Cambridge [Mass.] : Riverside Press, 1896. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

202. Herman Melville: poder y amor entre hombres by Andrés, Rodrigo, Publication: . 1 online resource (287 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

203. Hemingway and Franco by LaPrade, Douglas Edward, Publication: . 1 online resource (202 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

204. Literary chance: essays on Native American survivance by Vizenor, Gerald Robert, Publication: . 1 online resource (148 pages) , Collection of essays, articles and lectures. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

205. Mujeres y economía: un estudio sobre la relación económica entre hombres y mujeres como factor de la evolución social by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Publication: . 1 online resource (243 pages) , Translation of : Women and economics : a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution. Boston : Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

206. Iola Leroy, o, Las sombras disipadas by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, Publication: . 1 online resource (264 pages) , Translation of : Iola Leroy, or, Shadows uplifted. Philadelphia : Garrigues, 1892. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

207. The black theatre movement in the United States and in South Africa by Barrios, Olga, Publication: . 1 online resource (223 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

208. El viaje en la ficción norteamericana: símbolos e identidades by Fernández Sampedro, María Gema, Publication: . 1 online resource (199 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

209. La verdadera historia del cautiverio y restitución de la señora Mary Rowlandson by Rowlandson, Mary White, Publication: . 1 online resource (108 pages) , Translation of : The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson : first printed in 1682 under title: The soveraignty & goodness of Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

210. Willa Cather: el reverso de la alfombra by Barranco Ureña, Empar, Publication: . 1 online resource (320 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

211. La monja de Ágreda: historia y leyenda de la dama azul en norteamérica by Ferrús Antón, Beatriz, Publication: . 1 online resource (115 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

212. A Southern enigma: essays on the U.S. South by Hobson, Fred C., Publication: . 1 online resource (268 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

213. On their own premises: Southern women writers and the homeplace by González Groba, Constante, Publication: . 1 online resource (312 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

214. Walter Mosley's detective novels: the creation of a black subjetivity by Reyes Torres, Agustín, Publication: . 1 online resource (251 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

215. Vida y viajes de la señora Nancy Prince by Prince, Nancy, Publication: . 1 online resource (202 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

216. United States: re-viewing American multicultural literature by Lee, A. Robert, Publication: . 1 online resource (202 pages) , Articles, essays, papers, and reviews previously published in various publications between 1978 and 2008. Some slightly revised in 2008. Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

217. The dialectics of diasporas: memory, location and gender   Publication: . 1 online resource (145 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

218. Shattered pictures of places and cities in George Santayana's autobiography by Fantini, Graziella, Publication: . 1 online resource (202 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

219. Truman Capote, un camaleón ante el espejo by Ortells Montón, Elena, Publication: . 1 online resource (163 pages) Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),

220. Emperatriz de las Américas: la Virgen de Guadalupe en la literatura chicana by Castro Dopacio, María Jesús, Publication: . 1 online resource (264 pages) : , Based on the author's thesis (doctoral). Acceso al e-book
Availability: Items available: e-books Digitalia (1),