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Python 3 Object Oriented Programming

By: Phillips, Dusty.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Birmingham Packt Publishing 2010Description: 404 páginas.ISBN: 9781849511261.DDC classification: 005.133
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Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 005.133 P5581 2010 (Browse shelf) Available IN1010 Programación I: Introducción 01674
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 005.133 P5581 2010 (Browse shelf) In transit from Biblioteca Lillo to Biblioteca Simpson since 21/03/2023 IN1010 Programación I: Introducción 01675
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 005.133 P5581 2010 (Browse shelf) Checked out IN1010 Programación I: Introducción 20/03/2025 01676
Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Shelving location: Estanterías , Collection code: Colección alta demanda Close shelf browser
005.133 B3868 2013 Python cookbook 005.133 B3868 2013 Python cookbook 005.133 P5581 2010 Python 3 Object Oriented Programming 005.133 P5581 2010 Python 3 Object Oriented Programming 005.133 P5581 2010 Python 3 Object Oriented Programming 005.133 P9856 2014 Learning Web App Development: build quickly with proven javascript techniques 005.133 P9856 2014 Learning Web App Development: build quickly with proven javascript techniques

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