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The insects: an outline of entomology

By: Gullan, P.J.
Contributor(s): Cranston, P.S.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Oxford Wiley 2014Edition: 5ª edición.Description: 595 páginas Ilustraciones.ISBN: 9781118846155.Subject(s): Insectos | EntomologíaDDC classification: 595.7
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Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección General 595.7 G973 2014 (Browse shelf) Available AG1031 Entomología 03784
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección General 595.7 G973 2014 (Browse shelf) Available AG1031 Entomología 03785
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección General 595.7 G973 2014 (Browse shelf) Available AG1031 Entomología 03786
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