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Translation and gender: discourse strategies to shape gender

Contributor(s): Williams Camus, Julia Teresa [editor.] | Castro, Cristina Gómez [editor.] | Assis Rosa, Alexandra [editor.] | Camus Camus, Carmen [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Books & science: 4.Publisher: Santander Cantabria University Press 2018Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788481028713; 8481028711.Subject(s): Language and languages -- Sex differences | Translating and interpretingGenre/Form: Electronic books.DDC classification: 418.02 Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Paving the way for translation and gender / Julia T. Williams Camus, Cristina Gómez Castro, Alexandra Assis Rosa & Carmen Camus Camus -- Gender and translation studies : a bibliometric approach / Javier Franco Aixelá -- Muted English novelists : researching women, translation and censorship in Spain / Gora Zaragoza Ninet -- Transfeminine identity and HIV/AIDS in audiovisual translation Dallas Buyers Club and its Italian subtitled versions / Margherita Dore & Ilaria Zarrelli -- Memory and self-narration in Sarah Polley's away from her / Andrea Ruthven -- A moderate invective against women : "Epistle II : To a Lady (of the characters of women)" by Alexander Pope and its translation into Spanish / Ángeles García Calderón -- Blind love at stake : Hernández Catá's (Re-)creation of a hero / Paloma Tejada Caller -- Using corpus tools to analyse the rendering of Joseph Conrad's women in heart of darkness into four Spanish translations / Paloma Pizarro Seijas.
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Paving the way for translation and gender / Julia T. Williams Camus, Cristina Gómez Castro, Alexandra Assis Rosa & Carmen Camus Camus -- Gender and translation studies : a bibliometric approach / Javier Franco Aixelá -- Muted English novelists : researching women, translation and censorship in Spain / Gora Zaragoza Ninet -- Transfeminine identity and HIV/AIDS in audiovisual translation Dallas Buyers Club and its Italian subtitled versions / Margherita Dore & Ilaria Zarrelli -- Memory and self-narration in Sarah Polley's away from her / Andrea Ruthven -- A moderate invective against women : "Epistle II : To a Lady (of the characters of women)" by Alexander Pope and its translation into Spanish / Ángeles García Calderón -- Blind love at stake : Hernández Catá's (Re-)creation of a hero / Paloma Tejada Caller -- Using corpus tools to analyse the rendering of Joseph Conrad's women in heart of darkness into four Spanish translations / Paloma Pizarro Seijas.

Online resource; title from PDF title page (Digitalia, viewed May 21, 2020)