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Haciéndose maestras: problemas de enseñanza en su primer y tercer año de trabajo de las maestras de educación infantil

By: Fandiño, Graciela [author.].
Contributor(s): Castaño Silva, Inés Elvira, -2008 [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Colección Memorias y entramados educativos y culturales: 9.Publisher: Bogotá, D.C. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, CIUP Magisterio Editorial 2014Edition: Primera edición.Description: 1 online resource : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9789588650852; 9588650852.Subject(s): Teachers -- Training of -- Colombia | Education, Primary -- ColombiaGenre/Form: Electronic books.DDC classification: 371.100986 Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia Summary: The study focuses on the problems of teaching new teachers, those beginning their professional work, once they have completed their training at the university. The study was conducted from the perspective of teacher socialization, where four levels of problems are considered: personal, social, educational and institutional.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

The study focuses on the problems of teaching new teachers, those beginning their professional work, once they have completed their training at the university. The study was conducted from the perspective of teacher socialization, where four levels of problems are considered: personal, social, educational and institutional.

Online resource; title from PDF title page (Digitalia, viewed March 19, 2020)