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Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry

By: McMurry, John.
Contributor(s): Ballantine, David S | Hoeger, Carl A | Peterson, Virginia E | Madsen, Sara.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Pearson 2017Edition: 8ª edición.Description: 869 páginas Illustrations.ISBN: 9780134015187.Subject(s): QuimicaDDC classification: 540
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Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 540 M1686 2017 (Browse shelf) Available SA1001 Química y Bioquímica --- SA1016 Biología General y Genética 01158
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 540 M1686 2017 (Browse shelf) Available SA1001 Química y Bioquímica --- SA1016 Biología General y Genética 00981
Books Books Biblioteca Lillo
Colección alta demanda 540 M1686 2017 (Browse shelf) In transit from Biblioteca Simpson to Biblioteca Lillo since 21/04/2022 SA1001 Química y Bioquímica --- SA1016 Biología General y Genética 00982


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