Vestidos, textiles y tintes: estudios sobre la producción de bienes de consumo en la antigüedad: actas del II Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráno en el Mundo Antiguo, Atenas, 24 al 26 de noviembre, 2005
By: (2nd : Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterráno en el Mundo Antiguo (2nd : 2005 : Athens, Greece).
Contributor(s): Karalē, L [editor.] | Alfaro Giner, Carmen [editor.] | Kanold, Inge Boesken [editor.] | Haubrichs, Rolf [editor.].
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Includes bibliographical references.
Protohistoric weaving, the Minoan loom-weights: a first approach / Carol Cheval -- Textile industry indicators in Minoan work areas: problems of typology and interpretation / Maria E. Alberti -- Première attestation de laine sur le site protohistorique d'Akrotiri à Théra / Christophe Moulherat, Youlie Spantidaki -- Preliminary results of the reconstruction of Theran textiles / Stella Spantidaki -- Classical and Hellenistic textile production at Euesperides (Benghazi, Libya): preliminary results / Estíbaliz Tébar, Andrew Wilson -- Auratae vestes: gold textiles in the ancient Mediterranean / Margarita Gleba -- Clothing materials during the Hellenistic period / Sotirios D. Lambropoulos -- Hellenistic loom-weights from Western Crete / Iris Tzachili -- Les vestiges textiles de la nécropole celto-etrusque de Monte Tamburino à Monte Bibele (Monterenzio -- Bologne) / Christophe Moulherat -- Two radiocarbon dated linen fabrics with samite trimmings in the collection of Katoen Natie, Antwerp / Chris Verhecken-Lammens, Antoine De Moor -- Sea-silk in Aquincum: first production proof in antiquity / Felicitas Maeder -- Roman looms: a study of craftsmanship and technology in the Mons Claudianus Textile Project / Martin Ciszuk, Lena Hammarlund -- Self-bands and other subtle patterns in Roman textiles / Lise Bender Jørgensen -- Roman cotton revisited / John Peter Wild, Felicity C. Wild, A.J. Clapham -- Vêtements "romans" au Louvre / Roberta Cortopassi -- A closer look to cartoons for weavers from Graeco-Roman Egypt / Annemarie Stauffer -- Excavated archaeological textiles in Greece: past, present and future / G. Moraitou, C. Margariti -- Small scale purple-dye production in the Bronze Age of Northern Greece: the evidence from the Thessaloniki Toumba / Rena Veropoulidou, Stelios Andreou, Kostas Kotsakis -- Purple dyes in the environment and history of the Aegean: a short review / Llilian Karali, F. Megaloudi -- Teindre comme à Pompéi: approche expérimentale / Marie-Pierre Puybaret, Philippe Borgard, Roger Zérubia -- Methodological aspects of purple dye production on Ibiza: the new site of Cala Olivera / Carmen Alfaro, Benjamí -- Un taller de púrpura tardorromano en Carteia (Baetica, Hispania): avance de las excavaciones preventivas en el conchero de Villa Victoria (2005) / Darío Bernal [and others] -- New murex shell spreads on Ibiza: preliminary results of the first prospection campaign / Ángel Aleixandre, Martín Pastor -- Mapping Mediterranean murex middens with a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) / Dora Constantinidis -- Purple dyes in prehistoric Japan / Daisuke Yamaguchi -- Remarques sur l'Ars purpuraria / Christine Macheboeuf -- Tyrian purple dyeing: an experimental approach with fresh Murex trunculus / Inge Boesken Kanold, Rolf Haubrichs -- Call for information on archaeological spindle whorls / André Verhecken -- MED - COLOUR - TECH: investigation, revival and optimisation of traditional Mediterranean colouring technology for the conservation of the cultural heritage / Sophia Sotiropoulou.
Papers in English, French and Spanish.
Online resource; title from PDF title page (Digitalia, viewed September 8, 2015)