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Que los muertos descansen en paz: el segundo caso del detective Cooper

By: Nunn, Malla [author.].
Contributor(s): Ministral, Clara [translator.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain): 238.; Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain)Serie policiaca: Publisher: Madrid Siruela noviembre de 2012Copyright date: ©2012Edition: Edición en formato digital.Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788415723844; 8415723849; 9788415723851; 8415723857.Uniform titles: Let the dead lie. Spanish Related works: Translation of: Nunn, Malla. Let the dead lie.Subject(s): Cooper, Emmanuel (Fictitious character) -- Fiction | Private investigators -- South Africa -- Fiction | Murder -- Investigation -- Fiction | South Africa -- Fiction | Durban (South Africa) -- FictionGenre/Form: Detective and mystery fiction. | Electronic books.DDC classification: 823.92 Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia Summary: A stunning novel about murder, power, and a dangerous South African underworld. Cooper works undercover surveillance on the seedy Durban docks, but when a young boy is brutally murdered he must elude the police to conduct his own investigation. He discovers an international tussle for the political soul of South Africa.
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A stunning novel about murder, power, and a dangerous South African underworld. Cooper works undercover surveillance on the seedy Durban docks, but when a young boy is brutally murdered he must elude the police to conduct his own investigation. He discovers an international tussle for the political soul of South Africa.

Online resource; title from ePub title page (Digitalia, viewed April 8, 2016)