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Adolescents and audio-visual media in five countries

Contributor(s): Casas Aznar, Ferran [editor.] | Rizzini, Irene [editor.] | Rose, September [editor.] | Mjaavatn, Per Egil [editor.] | Nayar, Usha [editor.] | Childwatch International Research Network.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Girona Documenta Universitaria 2007Description: 1 online resource (139 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceSubject(s): Communication -- Social aspects | Mass media and teenagers | Audio-visual materialsGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Adolescents, Their Parents and Audiovisual Media: Evaluations and Interpersonal Relationships in five Countries / Ferran Casas, Per Egil Mjaavatn, Usha Nayar, Irene Rizzini, Rose September, Cristina Figuer, Mònica González and Sara Malo -- Information and Communication Technology: A Discourse Analysis of Children ́s Communication Patterns / Shazly Savahl and Rose September -- Youth, Media and New Technologies in Brazil / Irene Rizzini, Maria Helena Zamora, Luciléia Pereira, Ana Fernanda Coelho, Bianca Binograd and Mauro Carvalho -- The penetration of audio-visual media into adolescent cultures in Spain between 1999 and 2003 / Ferran Casas, Mònica González, Cristina Figuer and Sara Malo -- CWI Media Project (first working document).
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