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Limes XX

By: (20th : International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (20th : 2006 : León, Spain).
Contributor(s): Morillo Cerdán, Angel, 1964- | Hanel, Norbert | Martín, Esperanza.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Anejos de Gladius: 13.3.Publisher: Madrid Ediciones Polifemo Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Histórico Hoffmeyer, Instituto de Arqueología de Merida 2009Description: 1 online resource (1 vol. (xiv. p. [1116]-1643)): ill., maps.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceOther title: Limes 20 | Limes veinte | Estudios sobre la frontera romana [Subtitle from cover:] | Roman frontier studies [Parallel subtitle from cover:].Subject(s): Limes (Roman boundary) -- Congresses | Roman provinces -- Administration -- History -- Congresses | Excavations (Archaeology) -- Rome -- Congresses | Roman provinces -- Administration -- History -- Congresses | Rome -- Boundaries -- Congresses | Rome -- History, Military -- 30 B.C.-476 A.D. -- Congresses | Rome -- Military antiquities -- Congresses | Rome -- History, Military -- 30 B.C.-476 A.D. -- Congresses | Rome -- Colonies -- Administration -- History -- CongressesGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Systems of obstacles on hadrian's wall and their relationship to the turrets / Paul Bidwell -- The reconstruction of legionary temples at Corbridge, on the norther frontier of Britain / NIck Hodgson -- The Garrison of the Antonine wall: endangered species or disappearing asset? / Lawrence Keppie -- Franks, frisians and tungrians: garrisons at housesteads in the 3th century ad / Alan Rushworth -- New excavations at the amphitheatre of the legionari fortress of chester (Deva), Britain / Tony Wilmott -- The classis britannica: just a "normal" proviincial fleet? / Jorit Wintjees -- Aerial and geophysical surveys of the rooman forts north of the Antonine wall: recent work by the roman gask project / D. J. Wooliscroft -- Defining identity: analysing the glass objects from the roman fort of Newstead, Scotland / Brigitta Hoffmann -- The women in the early forts: gis and artefact distribution analyses ini 1st and 2nd Germany / Penelope M. Allison -- Lahnau Waldrgimres . Zur herrschaftosorganisation im augusteischen germanien / Arnim Becker -- Monum,entalisierungproezesse in der kaiserzeitlichen militararchitectur am beispiel der römischen legionslager niedergermaniens / Alexandra W. Busch -- Basel-Munsterhügel zwischen Caesar und Tiberius / Eckhard Deschler-Erb -- The military occupaton along the coasts of Gallia Beligca and Germania Inferior from CA. AD 170 to 275 / Wouter Dhaeze -- The early flavian timber Castra and the flavian-trjanic stone legionary fortress at NIjmegen (The Neatherlands) / Mark Driesen -- The augustan legionary fortress at Nijmegen / Legionary and auxiliary soldiers / Paul Franzen -- The Nijmegen canabae legionis (71-102/105 ad) / Military and civilian life of the frontier / Paul Franzen -- Der beitrag der dendrodaten von rainiau-buch zur limesdatierung / Bernhard A. Greiner -- Zur rekonstruktionb der mannschaftsbaracke der ausgrabung 1998 (phase 5) im flottenlager alterburg bei köln-marienburg / Norbert Hanel -- Aspekte der kontinuitat im legionslager regensburg / Michaela Konrad -- The provisioning ofo the roman army in the Rhine delta between C . AD 40 and 140 / Laura I. Kooistra -- Neue erkenntsnisse zur fruhromischen militarprasenz in der hessischen rheinbene / Thomas Maurer -- Les camps Julio-Claudiens d'Odenburg (Biesheim-Kunheim, Haut-Rhin, France) / Michel Reddé -- The battle between romans and germans in Kalkriese: interpreting the archaeological remains from an ancient battlefield / Achim Rost -- The site of the varus battle at Kalkriese / Recent results from archaeological research / Susanne Wilbers-Rost --
Eine fruhkaiserzeitliche Manuballista aus xanten am niederrhein / Hans-Joachim Schalles -- New ideas on the possible location of the legionary base vetera II (Xanten) / Dirk Scmitz -- Vindonissa-intra muros, extra muros, Ausgrabungen 2003-2006 im suden des legionslagers windisch / Jurgen Trumm -- The saxon shore fort at Oudeburg (Belgium): new excavation results / S. Vanhoutte -- A Remarkable "double" well at the saxon shore fort at Oudenburg (Belgium) / S. Vanhoutte, J. Bastiaens, K. Deforce, A. Ervinck, M. Fret, K. Haneca & H. Stieperaere -- Carnutensis scutaria (not. Dign. Occ. IX, 20). Archaologische evidez fur spatantike lederezxwugung im legionslager carnuntum? / Christian Gugl -- The character of the internal buildings of the roman military bases on Burgstall at Musov (South Moravia, Czech Republic) / Balázs Komobóczy -- Veteranem im hinterland von carnuntium: das graberfeld von mannersdorf am leithageibirge und die besieldlung des leithagebietes in rómischer zeit / René Plover -- Ziegelstempel römischer Militäreinheiten in der provinz dalmatien / Domagoj Toncinic -- Early development of poetovio / Mojca Vomer Gojkovic -- New data about the Ala II pannoniorum iin Dacia / Radu Ardevan -- Flavian baths of Legio i italica from Castrum novae / Piotr Dvczeik -- The distribution of silver counterfeited coins in the forts from roman Dacia / Fraud or monetary policy? Cristian Gazdac -- Roman horse harness fittings from Burganae / Ivan Radman-Livaja -- Mannschaftsbaracken mit strebepfeilern aus tilurium / Mirjana Sanader -- The lower Danube roman Limes at Galati (Romania). Recent results from excavation and aerial photographic interpretation / Ovidiu Tentea & Joana A . Oltean -- Roman fort from Rácari (Dolj County, Romania) ant its four stages. Plannimetry, stratigraphy and chronology / Field researches 2003-2006 / Eugen S. Teodor -- The northern and western gates of the Halmyris fort / Mihail Zahariade -- The quarters of military associations in the forts of Dacia / Felix Marcu -- Lead plombs from fortress of Legio i Italica. Novae, Moesia inferior / Janusz RecLaw -- La frontera militar de Tamuda (Mauretania Tingitana) / Enrique Gonzalbes Cravioto -- Arabia Adquisita: The roman annexation of Arabia reconsidered / S. Thomas Parker -- Every square structure a roman fort? Recent research in Qreiye-Ayyash and its alleged bridgehead fort tall ar-rum on the Euphrates / Markus Gschwind -- A preliminary report on the roman military presence at Gordion, Galatia / Julian Bennet & Andrew L. Goldman -- Denarius hoards beyond the frontier. A scottish case study / Fraser Hunter -- Irish sanctuaries and roman sacrifices: evidence for cult connections between irono age Ireland and the north-western roman provinces / Renate Kurzmann -- Oculist stamps found in cult contexts or possible cult contexts -- Oculist stamps found in military contexts or possible military contexts - Bibliography.
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"Congreso celebrado bajo la presidencia de honor de su Majestad el Rey de España y con el apoyo de la Universidad de León."

Systems of obstacles on hadrian's wall and their relationship to the turrets / Paul Bidwell -- The reconstruction of legionary temples at Corbridge, on the norther frontier of Britain / NIck Hodgson -- The Garrison of the Antonine wall: endangered species or disappearing asset? / Lawrence Keppie -- Franks, frisians and tungrians: garrisons at housesteads in the 3th century ad / Alan Rushworth -- New excavations at the amphitheatre of the legionari fortress of chester (Deva), Britain / Tony Wilmott -- The classis britannica: just a "normal" proviincial fleet? / Jorit Wintjees -- Aerial and geophysical surveys of the rooman forts north of the Antonine wall: recent work by the roman gask project / D. J. Wooliscroft -- Defining identity: analysing the glass objects from the roman fort of Newstead, Scotland / Brigitta Hoffmann -- The women in the early forts: gis and artefact distribution analyses ini 1st and 2nd Germany / Penelope M. Allison -- Lahnau Waldrgimres . Zur herrschaftosorganisation im augusteischen germanien / Arnim Becker -- Monum,entalisierungproezesse in der kaiserzeitlichen militararchitectur am beispiel der römischen legionslager niedergermaniens / Alexandra W. Busch -- Basel-Munsterhügel zwischen Caesar und Tiberius / Eckhard Deschler-Erb -- The military occupaton along the coasts of Gallia Beligca and Germania Inferior from CA. AD 170 to 275 / Wouter Dhaeze -- The early flavian timber Castra and the flavian-trjanic stone legionary fortress at NIjmegen (The Neatherlands) / Mark Driesen -- The augustan legionary fortress at Nijmegen / Legionary and auxiliary soldiers / Paul Franzen -- The Nijmegen canabae legionis (71-102/105 ad) / Military and civilian life of the frontier / Paul Franzen -- Der beitrag der dendrodaten von rainiau-buch zur limesdatierung / Bernhard A. Greiner -- Zur rekonstruktionb der mannschaftsbaracke der ausgrabung 1998 (phase 5) im flottenlager alterburg bei köln-marienburg / Norbert Hanel -- Aspekte der kontinuitat im legionslager regensburg / Michaela Konrad -- The provisioning ofo the roman army in the Rhine delta between C . AD 40 and 140 / Laura I. Kooistra -- Neue erkenntsnisse zur fruhromischen militarprasenz in der hessischen rheinbene / Thomas Maurer -- Les camps Julio-Claudiens d'Odenburg (Biesheim-Kunheim, Haut-Rhin, France) / Michel Reddé -- The battle between romans and germans in Kalkriese: interpreting the archaeological remains from an ancient battlefield / Achim Rost -- The site of the varus battle at Kalkriese / Recent results from archaeological research / Susanne Wilbers-Rost --

Eine fruhkaiserzeitliche Manuballista aus xanten am niederrhein / Hans-Joachim Schalles -- New ideas on the possible location of the legionary base vetera II (Xanten) / Dirk Scmitz -- Vindonissa-intra muros, extra muros, Ausgrabungen 2003-2006 im suden des legionslagers windisch / Jurgen Trumm -- The saxon shore fort at Oudeburg (Belgium): new excavation results / S. Vanhoutte -- A Remarkable "double" well at the saxon shore fort at Oudenburg (Belgium) / S. Vanhoutte, J. Bastiaens, K. Deforce, A. Ervinck, M. Fret, K. Haneca & H. Stieperaere -- Carnutensis scutaria (not. Dign. Occ. IX, 20). Archaologische evidez fur spatantike lederezxwugung im legionslager carnuntum? / Christian Gugl -- The character of the internal buildings of the roman military bases on Burgstall at Musov (South Moravia, Czech Republic) / Balázs Komobóczy -- Veteranem im hinterland von carnuntium: das graberfeld von mannersdorf am leithageibirge und die besieldlung des leithagebietes in rómischer zeit / René Plover -- Ziegelstempel römischer Militäreinheiten in der provinz dalmatien / Domagoj Toncinic -- Early development of poetovio / Mojca Vomer Gojkovic -- New data about the Ala II pannoniorum iin Dacia / Radu Ardevan -- Flavian baths of Legio i italica from Castrum novae / Piotr Dvczeik -- The distribution of silver counterfeited coins in the forts from roman Dacia / Fraud or monetary policy? Cristian Gazdac -- Roman horse harness fittings from Burganae / Ivan Radman-Livaja -- Mannschaftsbaracken mit strebepfeilern aus tilurium / Mirjana Sanader -- The lower Danube roman Limes at Galati (Romania). Recent results from excavation and aerial photographic interpretation / Ovidiu Tentea & Joana A . Oltean -- Roman fort from Rácari (Dolj County, Romania) ant its four stages. Plannimetry, stratigraphy and chronology / Field researches 2003-2006 / Eugen S. Teodor -- The northern and western gates of the Halmyris fort / Mihail Zahariade -- The quarters of military associations in the forts of Dacia / Felix Marcu -- Lead plombs from fortress of Legio i Italica. Novae, Moesia inferior / Janusz RecLaw -- La frontera militar de Tamuda (Mauretania Tingitana) / Enrique Gonzalbes Cravioto -- Arabia Adquisita: The roman annexation of Arabia reconsidered / S. Thomas Parker -- Every square structure a roman fort? Recent research in Qreiye-Ayyash and its alleged bridgehead fort tall ar-rum on the Euphrates / Markus Gschwind -- A preliminary report on the roman military presence at Gordion, Galatia / Julian Bennet & Andrew L. Goldman -- Denarius hoards beyond the frontier. A scottish case study / Fraser Hunter -- Irish sanctuaries and roman sacrifices: evidence for cult connections between irono age Ireland and the north-western roman provinces / Renate Kurzmann -- Oculist stamps found in cult contexts or possible cult contexts -- Oculist stamps found in military contexts or possible military contexts - Bibliography.

Includes bibliographical references.

Conference papers in English, French, German and Spanish.