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Cultura líquida y dinero: fragmentos simmelianos de la modernidad

By: Simmel, Georg, 1858-1918.
Contributor(s): Sánchez Capdequí, Celso.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Autores, textos y temasCiencias sociales: 76.Publisher: Rubí, Barcelona México, D.F. : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa Anthropos Editorial ; 2010Edition: 1. ed.Description: 1 online resource (vi, 137 p. : ill.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceUniform titles: Selections. Spanish Subject(s): MoneyGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
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Translation of selected articles published in : Aufsätze und Abhandlungen 1894-1900, Georg Simmel ; herausgegeben von Heinz-Jürgen Dahme und David P. Frisby. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1992 . (Gesamtausgabe-Band 5); and Simmel on culture : selected writings. London ; Thousand Oaks, 1997.