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The poet's myth of Fernán González

By: Keller, Jean Paul, 1912-.
Contributor(s): Damiani, Bruno Mario.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Scripta Humanistica (Series): 81.Publisher: Potomac, Md., U.S.A. Scripta Humanistica 1990Description: 1 online resource (168 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceSubject(s): González, Fernán, conde de Castilla, d. 970 -- In literature | Poema de Fernán GonzálezGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Liberation - Afterword -- General bibliography - Introduction -- The structure of the poem -- The poet's gothic Spain -- The mysterious origin of Fernán Gonzalez -- The hunt and prophecy episode -- The hero against Islam -- The first battle against Navarre -- Cortes in León and aftermath -- The last three battles -- Inversion of the prison episodes.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-168).

Liberation - Afterword -- General bibliography - Introduction -- The structure of the poem -- The poet's gothic Spain -- The mysterious origin of Fernán Gonzalez -- The hunt and prophecy episode -- The hero against Islam -- The first battle against Navarre -- Cortes in León and aftermath -- The last three battles -- Inversion of the prison episodes.