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Ethics and ethnicity in the literature of the United States

Contributor(s): Frías, María, 1952- [editor.] | Listé-Noya, Jose, 1962- [editor.] | Simal González, Begoña [editor.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord-americans: 44.Publisher: Valencia Universitat de València, Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya 2006Copyright date: ©2006Edition: Primera edición.Description: 1 online resource (233 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788437083490.Subject(s): Ethics in literature | Ethnicity in literature | American literature -- History and criticismGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Introduction -- Writing Hnestly: On New Knowledge and Chicana/o Narrative Ethics / Juan D. Mah y Busch -- Translating the Incommensurable: African-American Cultural Tradition and Beyond in Ralph W. Ellison's Invisible Man / Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz -- Alternative Historiography and Feminist Ethics of Care in Toni Morrison's Paradise / Mar Gallego -- "Yet These Were Strangers To Me That I Never Saw Before": The Puritan "Ethics" and Hierachies of Otherness in Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative / José Liste Noya -- The Dialogical Test: Ethics and Ethnicity in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Work / Carolina Núñez Puente -- "Trippers and (M)askers": Trickster Ethics /Trickster Aesthetics in Gerald Vizenor's Griever and Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey / Begoña Simal -- It Just Ain't Fair: The Ethics of Black Health Care in the South and "Dental Charity" / Maria Frías -- Ethnicity and Nature: Ethnic Literature and Environmental Ethics / Carmen Flys Junquera
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Introduction -- Writing Hnestly: On New Knowledge and Chicana/o Narrative Ethics / Juan D. Mah y Busch -- Translating the Incommensurable: African-American Cultural Tradition and Beyond in Ralph W. Ellison's Invisible Man / Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz -- Alternative Historiography and Feminist Ethics of Care in Toni Morrison's Paradise / Mar Gallego -- "Yet These Were Strangers To Me That I Never Saw Before": The Puritan "Ethics" and Hierachies of Otherness in Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Narrative / José Liste Noya -- The Dialogical Test: Ethics and Ethnicity in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's Work / Carolina Núñez Puente -- "Trippers and (M)askers": Trickster Ethics /Trickster Aesthetics in Gerald Vizenor's Griever and Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey / Begoña Simal -- It Just Ain't Fair: The Ethics of Black Health Care in the South and "Dental Charity" / Maria Frías -- Ethnicity and Nature: Ethnic Literature and Environmental Ethics / Carmen Flys Junquera

Online resource; title from PDF title page (Digitalia, viewed July 8, 2015)