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Caballero inexistente

By: Calvino, Italo [author.].
Contributor(s): Calvo Montoro, María J. (María Josefa) [editor.] | Benítez, Esther [translator.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Biblioteca Calvino (Ediciones Siruela): 6.Publisher: Madrid Siruela octubre de 2012Copyright date: ©2012Edition: Edición en formato digital.Description: 1 online resource.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9788415723097; 8415723091; 9788415723103; 8415723105.Uniform titles: Cavaliere inesistente. Spanish Related works: Translation of: Calvino, Italo. Cavaliere inesistente.Genre/Form: Electronic books.DDC classification: 853.914 | [Fic] Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia Summary: Recounts the chivalrous exploits of an empty suit of armor and the separate halves of a nobleman who has been bisected by a cannon ball.
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Recounts the chivalrous exploits of an empty suit of armor and the separate halves of a nobleman who has been bisected by a cannon ball.

Online resource; title from ePub title page (Digitalia, viewed March 12, 2016)