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Rethinking intellectuals in Latin America

Contributor(s): Moraña, Mabel | Gustafson, Bret Darin, 1968-.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: South by Midwest: 2.Publisher: Madrid Frankfurt am Main Norwalk, CT Iberoamericana ; Vervuert ; Iberoamericana Vervuert Pub. Corp. 2010Description: 1 online resource (388 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceSubject(s): Intellectuals -- Political activity -- Latin America | Latin America -- Intellectual lifeGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
Rethinking intellectuals in Latin America : questions and problems / Mabel Moraña -- Intellectuals and mestisaje : Inca Garcilaso, Blas Valera, and the organic function of colonial letrados / José Antonio Mazzotti -- Black, famous, and out of place : an alternative intellectual in early nineteenth-century Montevideo / William G. Acree, Jr. -- Triumph of the will : the annihilation of Ariel in Manuel Gálvez's Calibán / Gonzalo Aguilar -- The professor and the worker : using Brazil to better understand Latin America's plural left / John D. French -- Cosmopolitan theory and anthropological practice in Brazil / Jan Hoffman French -- Poststructuralism in the periphery : Nelly Richard's intellectual transpositions / Ana del Sarto -- Plata quemada : banditry, neoliberalism and the dilemma of literature at the end of the twentieth century / Juan Pablo Dabove -- Intellectuales in Cuba : facing a future that is already present / Arturo Arango -- Political-epistemic insurgency, social movements, and the refounding of the state / Catherine Walsh -- Maya daykeepers and the politics of sacred space / Ixq'anil, Judith M. Maxwell -- Maya knowledges / Ajpub'Pablo García Ixmatá -- The communal and the decolonial / Walter Mignolo -- Social sciences and the English language / Renato Ortiz -- Activist intellectuals in a wired world / George Yúdice -- Global realignments and the geopolitics of hispanism / Abril Trigo -- Pluralism, articulation, containment : knowledge politics across the Americas / Bret Gustafson.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Rethinking intellectuals in Latin America : questions and problems / Mabel Moraña -- Intellectuals and mestisaje : Inca Garcilaso, Blas Valera, and the organic function of colonial letrados / José Antonio Mazzotti -- Black, famous, and out of place : an alternative intellectual in early nineteenth-century Montevideo / William G. Acree, Jr. -- Triumph of the will : the annihilation of Ariel in Manuel Gálvez's Calibán / Gonzalo Aguilar -- The professor and the worker : using Brazil to better understand Latin America's plural left / John D. French -- Cosmopolitan theory and anthropological practice in Brazil / Jan Hoffman French -- Poststructuralism in the periphery : Nelly Richard's intellectual transpositions / Ana del Sarto -- Plata quemada : banditry, neoliberalism and the dilemma of literature at the end of the twentieth century / Juan Pablo Dabove -- Intellectuales in Cuba : facing a future that is already present / Arturo Arango -- Political-epistemic insurgency, social movements, and the refounding of the state / Catherine Walsh -- Maya daykeepers and the politics of sacred space / Ixq'anil, Judith M. Maxwell -- Maya knowledges / Ajpub'Pablo García Ixmatá -- The communal and the decolonial / Walter Mignolo -- Social sciences and the English language / Renato Ortiz -- Activist intellectuals in a wired world / George Yúdice -- Global realignments and the geopolitics of hispanism / Abril Trigo -- Pluralism, articulation, containment : knowledge politics across the Americas / Bret Gustafson.