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Una ética de la libertad y solidaridad: John Stuart Mill

By: Guisán, Esperanza.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Huellas (Anthropos, Editorial del Hombre): 35.; Huellas (Anthropos, Editorial del Hombre)Serie problemas: Publisher: Rubí, Barcelona Anthropos, Editorial 2008Edition: 1a ed.Description: 1 online resource (128 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceContained works: Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873. Subjection of women. Ch.1. Spanish.Subject(s): Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 -- Ethics | Liberty | UtilitarianismGenre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
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Includes bibliographical references.

Includes Spanish translation of chapter 1 from "The Subjection of Women". In Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, John E. Robson, Ed. University of Toronto Press, 1984, vol. 21, pp. 258-340.