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By: Ramírez Necochea, Hernán.
Contributor(s): Pinto Vallejos, Julio, 1956-.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Historia (LOM Ediciones): Publisher: Santiago de Chile, Chile LOM Ediciones Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Fondo Nacional de Fomentos del Libro y la Lectura 2007Edition: 1a. ed.Description: 1 online resource (528 pages).Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceOther title: Balmaceda y la contrarrevolución de 1891 [Other title].Subject(s): Balmaceda, José Manuel, 1840-1891 | Labor movement -- Chile -- History -- 19th century | Labor unions -- Chile | Working class -- Chile | Chile -- History | Chile -- Politics and government | Chile -- Economic conditions | Chile -- History -- Revolution, 1891Genre/Form: Electronic books.Online resources: Disponible en Digitalia
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First published: Balmaceda y la contrarevolución de 1891. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, 1958. Reproduced 3rd ed. corrected and augmented: Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1972.

First published: Historia del movimiento obrero en Chile : antecedentes, siglo XIX. Santiago: Austral, 1956. Reproduced 2nd ed.: Concepción, Chile : Ediciones Literatura Americana Reunida, 1986.

Includes: Estudio preliminar: La Historia y la Causa / Julio Pinto.

Includes bibliographic references (p. 507-524)