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Galería de palabras: la variedad de la ecfrasis

By: Artigas Albarelli, Irene.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Pública Crítica ; 2.Publisher: México, D.F. Madrid, España Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Bonilla Artigas Editores ; Iberoamericana 2013Description: 1 recurso en línea (277 páginas).Content type: texto Media type: computadora Carrier type: recurso en líneaISBN: 9781512976861.Subject(s): Art and literature | Literature, Modern -- History and criticism | Arte y literatura | Literatura Moderna -- Historia y críticaGenre/Form: Libros electrónicos.DDC classification: 809 Online resources: Disponible en e-libro Summary: Essays exploring relationship between visual and literary arts. Revives and expands on age-old concept of ekphrasis, referring to rhetorical exercise offering dramatic description of work of art. Pairs and compares writers with artists of many cultures and time periods: William Carlos Williams and Seamus Heaney with Brueghel; Margaret Atwood with Manet; Joseph Cornell with Octavio Paz and Elizabeth Bishop; and others.
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Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 269-277).

Essays exploring relationship between visual and literary arts. Revives and expands on age-old concept of ekphrasis, referring to rhetorical exercise offering dramatic description of work of art. Pairs and compares writers with artists of many cultures and time periods: William Carlos Williams and Seamus Heaney with Brueghel; Margaret Atwood with Manet; Joseph Cornell with Octavio Paz and Elizabeth Bishop; and others.

Descripción basada en metadatos suministrados por el editor y otras fuentes.

Recurso electrónico. Santa Fe, Arg.: elibro, 2019. Disponible vía World Wide Web. El acceso puede estar limitado para las bibliotecas afiliadas a elibro.