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Relativite, groupes et topologie Relativity, groups and topology: lectures delivered at Les Houches during the 1963 sessión of the summer school of theoretical physics University of Grenoble

By: Université de Grenoble, Ecole d'été de Physique Théorique Les Houches.
Contributor(s): DeWitt, B [Editor] | DeWitt, C [Editor] | Dicke, R | Gürsey, F | Lichnerowicz, A | Misner, C | Penrose, R | Sachs, R | Synge, J | Weber, J | Wheeler, J.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1964Description: 929 páginas.Subject(s): Teoría de la relatividadDDC classification: 530.11
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