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Quantum probability for probabilists

By: Meyer, Paul-André.
Contributor(s): Dold, A [Editor] | Takens, F [Editor].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Lecture notes in mathematics 1538.Publisher: Berlin Springer 1995Edition: 2ª edición.Description: 312 páginas.ISBN: 3540602704.Subject(s): ProbabilidadesDDC classification: 519.2
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 519.2 M6121 1995 (Browse shelf) Available 02345
Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
519.2 C55944 1975 Elementary probability theory with stochastic processes 519.2 H694 1972 Introduction to stochastic processes 519.2 K1853 1966 A first course in stochastic processes 519.2 M6121 1995 Quantum probability for probabilists 519.2 N497 1973 Probability 519.2 P526 1973 Introduction to applied probability 519.2 S5585 1996 Probability

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