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Linear operators

By: Dunford, Nelson.
Contributor(s): Bade, William [Colaborador] | Bartle, Robert [Colaborador] | Schwartz, Jacob.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Wiley classics library.Publisher: New York Wiley Interscience 1988ISBN: 9780471608462.Subject(s): Operadores diferencialesDDC classification: 515.7246 Summary: Part III: Spectral operators
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Item type Current location Collection Call number Status Date due Barcode
Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 515.7246 D915 1988 (Browse shelf) Available 02328
Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
515.724 B6131 1999 Introduction to operator algebras 515.724 S314 1981 Operator methods in quantum mechanics 515.724 S314 1981 Operator methods in quantum mechanics 515.7246 D915 1988 Linear operators 515.73 S312 1960 Norm ideals of completely continuous operators 515.732 L7446 1979 Classical Banach spaces 515.733 C6781 1989 An introduction to Hilbert space and quantum logic

Part III: Spectral operators

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