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Numerical recipes: example book (C)

By: Vetterling, William.
Contributor(s): Teukolsky, Saul | Press, William | Flannery, Brian.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York Cambridge University Press 1989Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 239 páginas.ISBN: 0521357462.Subject(s): Análisis numérico | Lenguaje de programación informáticaDDC classification: 518
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Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Shelving location: Estanterías , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
515.23 G316 1960 V.1 Verallgemeinerte funktionen: distributionen 518 V591 1989 Numerical recipes: example book (C) 530.143 W4231 1995 V.1 The quantum theory of fields 530.143 W4231 1995 V.2 The quantum theory of fields 530.143 W4231 1995 V.3 The quantum theory of fields