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Quantum mechanics: foundations and applications

By: Bohm, Arno.
Contributor(s): Beiglböck, Wolf [Editor] | Loewe, M [Colaborador].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York Springer Verlag 1986Edition: 2ª edición.Description: 596 páginas.ISBN: 0387139850.Subject(s): Mecánica cuánticaDDC classification: 530.12
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Item type Current location Collection Call number Status Date due Barcode
Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 530.12 B6765 1986 (Browse shelf) Available 02311
Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
530.12 A189 2002 Entanglement: the greatest mystery in physics 530.12 B359 1973 Lectures on quantum mechanics 530.12 B6515 1957 Grundlagen der quantenmechannik 530.12 B6765 1986 Quantum mechanics: foundations and applications 530.12 C5921 1983 A first course in quantum mechanics: revised edition 530.12 C6788 1977 V.1 Quantum mechanics 530.12 C6788 1977 V.2 Quantum mechanics

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