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Spinors and space-time

By: Penrose, Roger.
Contributor(s): Landshoff, P [Editor] | McCrea, W [Editor] | Rindler, Wolfgang | Sciama, D [Editor] | Weinberg, S [Editor].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1986ISBN: 9780521337076.Subject(s): Análisis de espinores | Espacio y tiempo | Física matemática | Teoría de la relatividadDDC classification: 530.11 Summary: Volume I Two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields Volume II Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 530.11 P417 1986 (Browse shelf) Available 02710

Volume I Two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields Volume II Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry

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