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Handbook of categorical algebra

By: Borceaux, Francis.
Contributor(s): Rota, Gian-Carlo [Editor].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications.Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1994Edition: 1ª edición.ISBN: 9780521441780.Subject(s): MatemáticasDDC classification: 510 Summary: Volume I: Basic category theory Volume II: Categories and structures Volume III: Categories of sheaves
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 510 1994 V.1 (Browse shelf) Available 02272
Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 510 1994 V.2 (Browse shelf) Available 02578
Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 510 1994 V.3 (Browse shelf) Available 02908
Browsing Biblioteca Lillo Shelves , Collection code: Colección Joseph Baldwin Close shelf browser
510 G774 1968 V.2 Differential- und integralrechnung 510 G774 1968 V.3 Differential- und integralrechnung 510 1994 V.1 Handbook of categorical algebra 510 1994 V.2 Handbook of categorical algebra 510 1994 V.3 Handbook of categorical algebra 511.3 L6681 2002 Basic set theory 511.32 S3778 2003 Ordered sets: an introduction

Volume I: Basic category theory Volume II: Categories and structures Volume III: Categories of sheaves

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