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Selected papers on quantum electrodynamics

By: Schwinger, Julian.
Contributor(s): Bethe, H | Bloch, F | Dirac, P | Dyson, F | Fermi, Enrico | Feynman, R | Fock, V | Foley, H | Heisenberg, W | Jordan, P | Källen, G | Karplus, Robert | Klein, Abraham | Kroll, Norman | Kusch, P | Lamb, Willis | Nordsieck, A | Oppenheimer, J | Pauli, W | Podolsky, Boris | Retherford, Robert | Tomonaga, S | Villars, F | Weisskopf, V | Wigner, E.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Dover books on engineering and engineering physics.Publisher: New York Dover Publications 1958Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 424 páginas.ISBN: 0486604446.Subject(s): Corrientes eléctricas | TermoelectricidadDDC classification: 537.6
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 537.6 S4157 1958 (Browse shelf) Available 02193

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