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Theory of operator algebras I

By: Takesaki, Masamichi.
Contributor(s): Cuntz, Joachim [Editor] | Jones, Vaughan [Editor].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences 124: Operator algebras and non-commutative geometry.Publisher: Berlin Springer 1979Edition: 1ª edición.Description: 415 páginas.ISBN: 354042248X.Subject(s): Álgebra y grupos topológicos y relacionadosDDC classification: 512.55
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Libros Colección General Libros Colección General Biblioteca Lillo
Colección Joseph Baldwin 512.55 T1367 1979 (Browse shelf) Available 02124
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512.55 M1613 1971 Categories for the working mathematician 512.55 M233 1995 Foundations of quantum group theory 512.55 S1584 1998 C*-Algebras and W*-Algebras 512.55 T1367 1979 Theory of operator algebras I 512.55 V287 1984 Lie groups, lie algebras and their representations 512.7 E154 1990 Numbers 512.7 K758 1987 A course in number theory and cryptography

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