Cofer, Judith Ortiz, 1952-

Silent dancing: a partial remembrance of a Puerto Rican childhood - Second edition. - 1 online resource.

Preface: Journey to a summer's afternoon -- Casa -- More room -- Talking to the dead -- The black virgin -- Primary lessons -- One more lesson -- Tales told under the mango tree -- Silent dancing -- Some of the characters -- The looking-glass shame -- Quineceañera -- Marina -- The last word.

A collection of writings by the poet, novelist, and essayist recalling her childhood spent shuttling between the land of her birth and the family home in New Jersey.

9781611925685 1611925681

Cofer, Judith Ortiz, 1952- --Childhood and youth.

Authors, American--20th century--Biography.

Puerto Rico--Social life and customs.

Electronic books.

818.5403 B