Ferrero, Jesús, 1952-
La noche se llama Olalla - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource. - Nuevos tiempos ; Policiaca 267. . - Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain) ; 267. Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain). Serie policiaca. .
Detective Agatha Blanc sheds light on a young woman's tragic demise when Olalla Young's diary indicates her death may have been no accident. Now Agatha must sift through whispers of rape and drugs as she scours a Madrid stuck in the throws of postwar depression for answers surrounding the woman who carried so much more than a haunting name. Spain.
9788415937760 8415937768 9788415937777 8415937776
Young women--Crimes against--Fiction.
Madrid (Spain)--Fiction.
Detective and mystery fiction.
Electronic books.
La noche se llama Olalla - Edición en formato digital. - 1 online resource. - Nuevos tiempos ; Policiaca 267. . - Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain) ; 267. Nuevos tiempos (Madrid, Spain). Serie policiaca. .
Detective Agatha Blanc sheds light on a young woman's tragic demise when Olalla Young's diary indicates her death may have been no accident. Now Agatha must sift through whispers of rape and drugs as she scours a Madrid stuck in the throws of postwar depression for answers surrounding the woman who carried so much more than a haunting name. Spain.
9788415937760 8415937768 9788415937777 8415937776
Young women--Crimes against--Fiction.
Madrid (Spain)--Fiction.
Detective and mystery fiction.
Electronic books.