Murch, Walter, 1943-
En el momento del parpadeo: un punto de vista sobre el montaje conematográfico - 1. ed. - 1 online resource (177 pages) : ill. - Farenheit 451 ; 6 . - Fahrenheit 451 (Madrid, Spain) ; 6. .
Translation of: In the blink of an eye. A perspective on film editing, Los Angeles : Silman-James Press, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 176-177).
Motion pictures--Editing.
Electronic books.
En el momento del parpadeo: un punto de vista sobre el montaje conematográfico - 1. ed. - 1 online resource (177 pages) : ill. - Farenheit 451 ; 6 . - Fahrenheit 451 (Madrid, Spain) ; 6. .
Translation of: In the blink of an eye. A perspective on film editing, Los Angeles : Silman-James Press, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 176-177).
Motion pictures--Editing.
Electronic books.