Los criptojudíos de La Raya: una cultura de resistencia: "Las rezas de Bragança" Rezas de Bragança - 1 online resource : illustrations. - Ensayo Verbum Letras de hebreas . - Ensayo (Editorial Verbum) Serie Letras hebreas. .

Includes a reproduction of the manuscript compiled and edited by Eugenio do Espirito Santo Carvalho called "Las rezas de Bragança", consisting of a collection of prayers created by the Crypto-Jews and Marranos of Bragança, Portugal. The manuscript is dated September 26, 1925.

Includes bibliographical references.

Text n Spanish; manuscript in Portuguese and partially translated into Spanish.

Manuscripts, Portuguese--Facsimiles.
Marranos--Prayers and devotions.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Crypto-Jews--Prayers and devotions.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Judaism--Portugal--Bragança (District)--Prayers and devotions.
Judaism--Religious life and customs.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Crypto-Jews--Religious life and customs.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Marranos--Religious life and customs.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Jews--Prayers and devotions.
Jews--History.--Portugal--Bragança (District)
Jewish families--Prayers and devotions.

Electronic books.