Lehrer, Melinda Eve.

Classical myth and the "Polifemo" of Góngora - Potomac, Md., U.S.A. Scripta Humanistica 1989. - 1 online resource (99 pages) - Scripta humanistica ; 54. . - Scripta Humanistica (Series) ; 54. .

Includes bibliographies and index.

Introduction -- The Polifemo and Its Classical Predecessors -- Góngora's Innovations in the Polifemo -- The "Fábula de Acis y Calatea" of Carrillo y Sotomayor: A Comparison with Ovid and Góngora -- The Acis-Galatea Interlude -- The Cyclops' Song -- Conclusión -- Appendix.

Góngora y Argote, Luis de, 1561-1627. Polifemo.

Polyphemus (Greek mythology) in literature.
Galatea, sea nymph (Greek deity) in literature.

Electronic books.